Ebrious by today
Exhausted by yesterday
Embittered by tomorrow,
Give me one more,
I am greedy for another,
Bar me from life,
I am her alcoholic lover.
ebrious by today
a corner lifted
A corner lifted
Like today’s dawn
Bright burnt redness
The goblin smiled.
A lip curved
Like today’s moon
Cookie cut darkness
The goblin smiled.
A teeth peeped
Like today’s lightening,
Zig zag whiteness
The goblin smiled.
silent spring
Silent Spring
Their buzzing gone
Wrist flick done
Peace at last
Silent Spring
Glinting lights dark
Children’s laughter stark
Quiet at last
Silent Spring
Bugged windscreen
Butterfly spleen
Clean at last
Silent spring
Digital melodies
Comforting remedies
Dead at last
god of war
God of War
Hear my Whine
Soft belly ambition
Aries hot breath
His long fight
My lack thereof
Will soft mushy
I need berries
I stuffed
I chewed,
I swallowed
Lunchtime sweets
Floury treats
Icing sweetmeats,
shout and taunt me
Shout and taunt me
Push me down,
Strip away my pride
Leave me nude,
Naked and confused.
Look at my bone of
Is this all you’d hoped to see
I have more.
The cloth of my skin
Hides all
As the cloth of man hides nought.
Herein is to be found
Skin tight on flesh
Flesh tight on bone
Bone protecting all
And beneath all
I exist.
That is where I live
I chose that
The site of my mansion
It is built of dreams
Furnished with hopes
As eternal life
Shall you find me
Hunt me down,
Trap me
Skin me
Mount me,
Put my head
Besides past victories
Is there glory to be found?
Glory sought?
But I am better
For I have life
Eternal, till I die
Each and every second
My eternity.
One’s life is life
Life all-encompassing
Hide your dreams
Your hopes
In the womb,
Of envisioned failure
By others.
Let it mature
In their deception.
Welcome it into the world,
To the sound.
Of your enemies wailing,
At the pain.
Of giving birth,
To your success.
the gong sounded
The gong sounded
Workers rushed away
Souls leave the building
Feet enter the building
Hopes freeze
Dreams freeze
For here was work.
The bong sounded
Emailed rushed in
Purpose is force voided
Ambition slowly beheaded
Love die
Happiness die
For here is work.
shiny boots
Shiny boots
Shiny black boots
Shiny black combat boots
Walk in front of me
Kick out from under me
Shadow the ground
The leafy carpeting
Softly crunching
Chorusing each step
Eyes raised
Boot laces
Camouflage pants
Side pocket
Beige top
More rounds
A gun
The face seen
The eyes from within
I look forward
Into tempting jungles
Dark, uncompromising
Crickets welcome me
Nothing scares
As I scare nothing
I head forward
Carried trudgingly forward
By the boots
Shiny steel-capped toes
Sounds achanging
A road
A robot
A rover
Is this the jungle
The city of man
I await at its gates
Rusty wrought iron
Busted hinges
Skulls aperching
On spikes where sparrows should have sat
I arrive
Kicking forward
The lock breaks
The chain falls
Broken by
The boots
The toothed sole
Designed to grip
I hear
The grainy squeak
Swing the gates open
The breath of the city hits me
Foul and vulgar
The utterings of a grave
City of man
You shall be man’s grave
Whence man lived
In his house he stayed
In his house his corpse will live
Welcoming flies
With pungent pong
For I am here
Crows-feet sprout from each shoelace eyelet
Tracking each mile trod
I step in
Thud, thud
Noisely they land
With the willingness of the soul
They fall silent
Landing like moccasins
Silently carrying me
I am in your home
I hear the spluttering of your Spotify
See the flashings of your Netflix
Led by the clicks of your mouse
I shall paint the town red
Mark your door
With the crimson of your blood
Like rivulets it shall flow
For the answering of mankind if nigh
The time is here
Not the time trapped to your wrist
But the time attached to your soul
Your heart falls with heavy thuds
Hurting your chest
Is it a premonition?
Dae ja vu
Or knowledge
That I am here
No longer the spook feared
In troubled times
As your troubles are over
But fears are just beginning
My heart mists
Puffs of it lead my face
As my chill bites yours
The crashing of a door
I send down
Boot aflying
Streaks of black lightening
Carry me within
The lair of man
From thence I carry my purpose
The muzzle turns the corner
Greets the living room dwellers
She greets them
Mows them down
Perforates them
With her children
Each born hot
Off Thor’s hammer
The joys of her greeting
Still rings in my ears
The fierceness of her face
Makes my eyes brim
I turn
The boots
The tracks of my soles
Suck against that murky red
Growing Fed by them It rushes forth
To seek freedom of the strench
For the dead now live here
I step out
A dozen more step in
Hailed by the shouts of children
Flung from the muzzle
My lungs burst
A scream parts my lips
Forcing my finger down
I mow
And mow
Left then right
Right then left
Spreading her gifts
Muzzled for life
Speaking the truth
The bark of the gun
They shake
Take a step back
Curl over
They all fall down
A dozen beautiful red rosies
I start to run
Boots pounding down
The force
Marks my boots
With dew drops red
Marking the morn of man
I go-a-visting
I scream, and scream again
Finally click
Pin falls against an empty chamber
She spews forth light smoke
Glowing red
Speaking of her day’s labour
I look back
For I have ended
The city of man
Streets like rivers
Tributaries of blood
My labour done
The dead now live here
Boots mottled red
Kick out from under me
Floating on the path I have made
It of man’s extinction
The gates beckon me
I turn back once more
A tear falls
Force me
To do
As I did
Forgive me decendents
For all I loved
As I myself
But purge them
I had to
For they are self-purging
Ring of waves
Tinkle out the sound of my landing tear
On their blood
Boots carry me
For I am not done
As I am undone
By none
My mission is still
As I feel man exists
His extinction is thus off
But I shall get there
As led by the boots
I shut the gates
And the city falls dark
Closed to life
For life
By life.
this deadening compression
This deadening compression
Brings to life
All I thought had been given to the past
That I’d left to another life
But alas
Round the next corner it looms
Behind the next corner it glows
Above me it hovers
Within me
That is it
A dedicated life
Of self-imprisoned
Where I enabled others to be my jail keepers
I have empowered them with my emotions
Over happiness and rage they reign
Each being whipped into a frenzy
Only of their choosing
Is this respect they have
After all I have toiled
Although for me
It has benefitted them
Yet they see it not
Only the drying of blood
From my last letting
And now they want more
To see it glisten
Against the whites of my ambition
That once were pure
Of self-fulfillment and betterment
But are now tainted with your detriment
You make me regret a life
Given by the almighty
To do with as I please by his laws
Imprisoned by yours
A jail sentence for no crime of mine
Oh! God!
How I wish I were Lucifer
Your archrival
For at this moment he has ownership of me
My rage and anger
Pawns used to accumulate sins
In mind, body and soul
I ask for a stringless life
Not just of me
Doing for another
Being a stupid donkey
Plodding forever on
After the decaying carrot
That has wilted under the heat of hardship and hatred
But I still plod on
Hoping for a better future?
Or just scared of leaving the well-worn path
Walking that I only know
Told by others
To lead to the city of God
But what proof have I?
For I see them! Returning?
Souls tattered
Is this as I am doing
Each step a rip in my soul
It boils
That seethe
Let their throats fall in y grasp
Let the beating of the pulse
Fall against my hand
Pleading for forgiveness
As my grip increases
The pleading gets fainter
That sound that hurts me
I shall stop it
Bring it to an end
That scent that assaults my nostrils
Is the true you
That was hidden beneath the façade you hold your soul in
Now it brings to life the flies
Them that buzz, hiver and mate
Above and within
Let me inhale
A deep breath
Coat my lungs
Oh! Yes! Ecstacy
Stings my eyes
Tears brim
Magnifying it
Can it be possible
Is there any end
This is the joy
True pleasure of beings
That I feel
As they felt against me
It is self-reciprocal
Thus none shall go one
Is our destiny
For you have killed I
As I have killed you
arise you who blots out the sun
Arise you who blots out the sun
Blackens the night sky
Waken from thy slumber
Roam in my realm
Become that I have failed
True to you
Where I have been false to me
Take over
Show me my humanity
Not that
Thrust on me
The tight fitting corset
Or that self-binding
Of which
The key is remolded
To that of my fancy
But the lock has remained
Thus I am bound
To all they thought
Not what I think
That dies
With the first birdsong of the morn
Only to resurrect
With the dawnings of slumber
Ne’er there in the light o’day
Day of my fellow man
Whereas can I say it’s me
It is only me
Before me
No other secretive
Birthed, fed and died
All by me
Do you ask whom I speak of?
Ask who you ask for?
As what you ask for
In your questions lie answers
To my questions
But maybe not yours
For is my truth yours
Do not quiz
Hand to earth
Become one
With yourself
Not by yourself
For that is as I
Do so before I
That I
May follow you
Unshackling the beast
Let it lose
Amongst men and women
Those of great falseness
Self-love and righteousness
As I once was
I shall be the thief
To hunt and seek my brethren
Rob them of their falsities
And lead them to the cross
Laugh and gloat at their crucifixion
As they did at mine
For I once did
They shall look into mine eyes
And see themselves
See all they could’ve been
But aren’t
But why
They fear them
I am them
To you
As you
Are them
To me