His mind trapped His words drowned His instinct paralysed All that he had Were his eyes. He watched the world His trapped pysche, Rampaged Ravaged Turned them To mush.
He stood at the edge of the path, Facing the unending Herds of buffalo grass He swung a foot off the edge, And into the herd In one motion His hand gripped The throat of a single stalk, With a whince and a pop, He freed it From its roots, His parted lips Welcomed A trophy, For now, With golden rudder Parting his lips He became fearless An adventurer.
A broken heart A poet's saviour The launchpad of a 1000 sonnets. Or the deluge of tears Dishonesty laid bare. Hope dashed A misnomer. The heart is unbroken A raging pulse The only thing broken Is selfish Expectation.
Reach forward Grab what is behind you Step forward Land in your footprint. Inhale To the sound of your roar. Look through The unseen Speak in the Languages Of the mute. And the tongue-tied Fuck With a eunuch's Abandonment.
I skimmed the Foam of the Purchased cappuccino, Oddly thinking It is mine A recipe Milk Coffee Passing through My body, And yet I decreed At threat of Dollar Cents I owned it.
Stop and Ignore, The breath From your mouth, The heat From your skin, The taste From your tongue, The lust From your loins, Ignore Your life.
Hello Atlas, My doppleganger You and I Hunched and straining The world at out backs Her weight breaking our wills We stare at each other Sinew mapped out lives Lived. Sinew popped out daily Greet the dawn Once a show of strength Now a fingerprint The world We hold aloft. I know You know The world We hold aloft Will crush us Break us That is her response But you, The doppleganger Of men Has one advantage Being a titan She will never crush you The perfect stalemate Of pure Love.
Taunt skin draws over my spine Trapping me in its strength Popping and struggling Against the trap Of my being. Are the dreams Of a boy The ambition Of a man The belief Of a mom From birth To death My skin holds True.
A prickly sensation Crawling up my back Whisphering as she goes Talking to me About opportunities Unused About goals Avoided About success Ducked I call her Alarm
I asked him Why the fuzzy top lip He said, To save a life. I sniggered, A furry lip? Saving a life. Who does, The man With the fluff covered lip Think he is, He said November.