Have I reached down
Touched the slime
Slipped on the grime
Tumbled down life’s sewer
But while I look up
That light
At the end of the tunnel
Blinds me
To my treacherous descent
Slowly but surely
As the slime choses to ease its grip
On its tunnel of life
Leaving traced of itself to start anew
All this an attempt
To lubricate me
To let my morals slip
To let my sanity go
To make my judgement go
For they were surefooted
Above terrafirma
But down below
In the land of doom and gloom
They are still-borne
Amongst the goodies
Of the bottom dwellers
The life
Of a drin, a babe
And whatever else
Brings on a smile for a man
Before vanishing into history
One of no recollection
To fall into history
Is to never have been
That is where they go
To mingle with the myriad of others
To join in song and dance
A praise to my virtuosity
It draws the snigger of the other dwellers
Them amongst me
From whom competition
For these scraps of happiness is all
For they have none of their own
My own are slipping
Down the tunnel faster than me
To peer below is impossible
All I see is the diminishing pin-prick of light above
The land I imagine I am in
I am blinded by the tunnel around me
Soon a roar
Reaches out and grabs my ears
Pulling them towards it
With it the final bell dons
As its icy fingers grasp my toes
Chills travel up my spine
Senses awaken
Now it’s time to survive
And yet
The slime is comfy against my skin
A silk coat protecting me
Makes my journey comfortable
Lulls to sleep my senses
As they get drowsy
Blink slower
Blink longer
Blink for the last time
They sleep forever
As I am washed away by the torrent
Of deceit and wanting
My light of hope disappears
Truth in truth appears
Out of the darkness
It stalks me
Scars me
Tells me of my life
Reminds me of where
And I shake in fear
I roll in the slime
It surely will protect me
And yet it loses its grip
Shrieking with laughter
Its laughter
Hails success
As the cold bites me
I remain
As I was born
There is no faking
No fooling
Just you
Now time has come
It asks of you
To pay back
The gift it gave
The gift you wasted
What is your reply
‘Lead me to the tunnel’
Another chance?
Time is not so kind
The slime as the lemmings
Itself to doom
As do you?
have i reached down
young bull
Young bull
Test your strength
Shake your great head
Let your horns brush the stars
None shall stand in your way
Least you let them
Charge at your hinderances
Your great shoulders will carry you
Use your given strength
The earth quakes to your step
Your breath sears it
Why bow down
Humble yourself on your knee
Be that great bull
Etched in the stars
A permanent folklore
Become that greatness
Fake for no other
Be that individual
No protection do you need
For all are conquered before you
Thus rise
You are of age
Lay not in another’s shadow
You have outgrown them
Shadow them with your hiding the sun
Know this is your destiny
Be of age