Baggy elbow Whisking a wow Flapping & flopping Constrained by conforming With ambition Baggy elbow Blowing a bow Swinging & swagging Hung from haggling With normalcy Baggy elbow Trying a toe Cracking & creaking Tired from trusting Itself.
Category: poetry
Baggy elbow
Horny dude
Maverick - man Legs - long Skirts - sexy Knickers - knot Manners - misplaced Breast - Blossom Breathe - bare Nipple - nudge Heart - huge Loins - looney Fingers - fraught Penile - pulse Testicle - trouble Horny - hornet Projection - propeller.
Wiggzy Wormzy
Wiggzy Wormzy Burrowing Saying neighbourly hies As he writhed From top to bottom Of the veggie garden. Wiggzy Wormzy Waving Sharing friendly hi-fives As he cantilevered From leaf to roof Of the veggie garden.
Bank balance
My bank balance Stood as a false idol Insurmountable as bubblegums. The smack of my lips A Hallelujah Heralding a full tummy. My fingers lost in wrappers Spun a yarn A garment made. To keep my nakedness naked.
She slept
She slept, Snoring as women snore - kind of like unicorns doodoo. She mumbled, Speaking as women speak - kind of like dwarfs debate. She tossed, Turning as women turn - kind of like trolls tango. Her sleeping breath - kind of like dragons sneeze.
Breath Sticky and sweet Like grandma's toffee, Breath Caustic and concrete Like dad's coffee, Breath Evasive and effete Like mum's Hennessy, Breath Obscure and oleate Like a lover's lolly.
Scantily skipping imp, Feet floating Like an electrified shrimp, Shoe sole flapping Like an unpaid pimp, Flamp-p-p Listing limping imp, Toes knotting Like a ballerina chimp, Shoe tongue flopping Like a deflated blimp, Flimp-p-p
Thought I did
I thought I did know I thought I did understand I thought I did believe The truth was a lot further, it lost me in the tails of it's deceit. The deceit that had tempted me away from the lies that had kept me warm. They were now naked and hidden from the truth. Those were the morning greetings, "Good morning." Followed by the rote, "I am good." Neither of which were true, neither of which were deceit. They were both caring, and uncaring in their cold touch, a touch was more than most received. These greetings flew under the skin of night, hidden from the blind light of daylight. Yet for each the day was a joy. A smile hidden in the bowels of frsutration and trapped by the lure of yesterday. The gold guild of a moment that longed to stretch into tomorrow's tomorrow. The future of the past held the greetings true to what should have been. But for now it snuck under the petticoat of life. I thought I did know I thought I did understand I thought I did believe.
Write, read.
I write this, So that I read. I read this, So that I write. I am alone, So that I love. I love alone, So that I hate. Pen to paper, So that eyes mist. Paper to pen, So that hearts bleed.
the gnawing
The gnawing never stopped It was his skin Wrapped and comforting It never stopped.